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Post  Veax Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:57 pm

Do everyone a favour and post your IG name and faction here.

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Age : 36
Location : Europe

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Welcome!  :D Empty Bushtail

Post  Bushtail Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:36 pm

well, it's me, myself and I. I have been playing since... end of june, 2009 so not all that long. after odd 60 levels, i kind of lost interest in all out leveling and.. mellowed out, seeking to help more.

Need help? ask.

not that i have any clue what i'm doing. Rolling Eyes
Welcome!  :D Portraitr

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Location : Europe

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Post  Zabinzu Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:04 pm

My name is Zabinzu and I have been on ever since late August. I help farm high matts and randomly plan things for the guild (New years party). If you need matt help or a loan im your guy. Though I am not much of a squad person so I tend to avoid that. Well, thats everything to know about me on game.

I never follow suit, I am my own man and build
Zabinzu of the Axe

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Join date : 2010-01-30
Age : 31
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Welcome!  :D Empty Quenja

Post  Quenja Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:03 am

Hey I am Quenja.
I m in PW for a loooong time. Think I joined around Sept 2008 dunno the exact Date anymore ^^. Since then I wandered around from Faction to Faction and finally found Nameless and I hope there will be no reason to leave Nameless again. This Faction rocks.

My point of view of PW is: It is just a game! So I am here to have fun and relax. I am allergic to drama Wink
Other than that I like to help in any case. I canĀ“t promise that I succeed lol but I think it is always worth a try.

Have fun and we see us in Factionchat flower

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Join date : 2010-01-31
Age : 40

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Post  amestyle Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:19 am

Hello, this is Herrera/Tisby!
I've been playing PWI since October 2008. This is probably the second online game I really, really enjoy.
If yall need help or something, don't be scared to ask, though, I can't promise that I can always help...especially since I'm a really lazy person. =X Nice to meet you all and let's have a great time together! NAMELESS FTW! \o/

Herrera IG-Character:
Welcome!  :D Herrbear01

Last edited by amestyle on Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:29 am; edited 2 times in total


Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-02-02

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Post  HuliMan Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:37 pm

Yo, it is the Huli. Man. (you can call me Huli). I started playing PW the day open beta started in September of 2008. I joined Radiance in March of 2009, made some good friends along the way, fought in many 3 hour territory wars, and did more twilight temple runs than I care to remember. I stayed there 7 months until a dispute with leadership about the direction of the guild led me to consider quitting the game for good. Instead, I decided to look for a guild that I could offer my assistance to and saw Bushtail's world chat one day. The rest, as they say, is Nameless.

I live on the east coast of the US, but I mostly play mornings and afternoons, so you'll likely see me on early. This guild was created to provide assistance to people so that they can enjoy the game and proceed through it, so feel free to ask for my help no matter how little the task is. I will almost certainly say yes.

Welcome!  :D Dll10y

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Join date : 2010-01-29
Age : 45
Location : Maine

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Post  ShivaKamini Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:58 pm


Sup. I'm Shiva (or you can call me Todd). Been playing since December 09. Had some friends who had been on the another game I played, and they lured me over here. Been loving it ever since. Had a cleric at first, but hated it (sorry Huli, I'm just not cut out to be that squishy). Started a veno, and have been in love ever since. Currently at a whopping lvl 75, but hoping to be 100+ in the next month or so Cool

If you guys need any help, feel free to ask (unless it's grind quests, I hate doing my own, so I'm not doing yours lol). I'm always on, lurking or something.


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Join date : 2010-02-07
Location : Knoxville, TN

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Post  Rena Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:22 pm

Embarassed Well you know me as Rena and with all my characters the name Rena is in their names. The ones I have in the guild is RecklessRena (lvl 54 Archer) and WildRena (lvl 31 Blademaster). I am an alt junky. But I love Verity. I have to change from time to time to keep me from getting bored of the game all together. Which I have done before. I have been playing PWI since ahhh a year or so ago lol can't remember exactly when. But I started playing PWI when My husband and I was Playing Entropia Universe and I didn't wanna get to far ahead of him so I searched for a new game to play. I found PWI and started playing since then he has started playing as well. Now his barb is lvl 76 and my veno is 74 and married to eachother. At one point I did leave PWI for Private Servers. I have played many of them. The first one is Fake PW. I have played Legendary PW, Devastation PW, and PW Vendetta. Basically the Pservers are mainly for PvP. But in playing the really high lvls and understanding more of what all they do I have gained a high respect for the ones that are high and are very helpfull to the newbies. Which is one reason I love this faction so much. The other reason is because of awesome members that don't judge me as a "bad seed" because of the way I am.
IF you haven't noticed I am a big flirt and I love to joke around. I don't like to see a glum face. So if it gets heated in faction chat I will burst out with something very random and totally off subject. It's always better to laugh then cry!!!!! So that's me Razz The corny redhead with many alts and no real main. Oh and one more thing. I die often.

Posts : 25
Join date : 2010-02-01
Age : 45
Location : GR, Michigan, USA

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Post  Vemaliar Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:54 pm

you guys just know me as Vemaliar, the hotheaded cleric that HATES to fight.i've been playing on PWI for a few months now, cant remember the exact date.i've been in over a dozen guilds since i began playing, they either fall apart or kick me out because i'm "Different", so i'm just a bit jumpy at times.
i'm known to be rather stubborn and arrogant at times,and a tad flirty, which has been known to Scare people. i'm also constantly trying to get my family unit to switch from ether saga to PWI so we can all kick some butt together on here.
i have many alts, but no one true main.. my cleric is the only one in Nameless at the time.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-02-11
Age : 43

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Post  MarTheDragon Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:24 pm

XX_Mar_XX is my main. Killing quickly is my game. I am an assassin. I am Nameless. Ok, time to lighten up, lol. I have been playing since the betas ended. My first main got to level 32, then I stopped for a while, then started playing again, got my second main up to 33, then I stopped for a while again, then started playing again, and got my new main up to 26 right now and counting. I have made more characters than I can remember without looking at the long list when choosing a character for ticket submission. I have only been in 1 other successful faction, Hellions, on my 2nd main. I get painful twinges of nostalgia whenever I see one of them wandering around PWI and recruiting people over world chat. But I will stay with this faction anyway, until I choose to stop playing again. I am not the most active player, because right now at levels 20-33+ quests are really boring, grindy, and the mobs are tough to fight continuously as an assassin. So sometimes I stop and play other games like Assassins Creed, Assassins Creed 2 (see a pattern here?), and other games. I'm still on a lot though. Now this is starting to sound like an essay, so see you in game.

Last edited by MarTheDragon on Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 40
Join date : 2010-02-08
Location : Central Virginia

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Post  Galox Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:53 am


Yesh, I iz Galox, you know me! ^^
I tink I started playing...about a month before the Tideborn were Introduced. I've only been in one faction, Nameless.

I have a 63 Wiz (Hoorah!)
19 Cleric,
and a 13 Veno.

I hardly ever play the Cleric or Veno though, and I am loyal to being a Wizard. I dunno what else to say really but...

Anyway, if anyone needs any help, just ask, there may not me much I could help with *cough*ONLY 63!*cough* but I'll do my best Wink

Oh, and err...


ty, that is all.


EDIT: Yeah, my Sig says a different Username, but I cba to make new Signatures.

Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-02-15
Location : Somewhere

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Post  Deza007 Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:01 am

Hi, after having many troubles with the logging in, I've finally got my account working.
I've got the characters: Wochester, OptimatPrime and ThePieDealer.
I try my best to help out as much as possible Very Happy

Last edited by Deza007 on Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:17 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : game doesn't like numbers in names, i've tried)

Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-02-20

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Post  Xypherius Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:00 am

hey, whats up people?
ive been playing PW for about 3 to 4 days now (woot!) and have been in 2 factions so far (this one is by far the best! the other nobody was EVER on lol) i may get annoying or weird sometimes but i'm told i'm all an all a pretty good guy. i will love to help as much as a little lv 27 can! =3 looking forward to hanging out in game. =P

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Join date : 2010-02-28
Age : 37
Location : right behind you.

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Welcome!  :D Empty Oy peoples!

Post  Acalpha Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:18 pm

Not to repeat myself...but...Oy peoples! Very Happy

I probably don't need to state my ingame name; it is the same as my forum name. Due to classing I won't be online as much as I'd like to be, but I'll still make an effort to appear here and there. See you online!

Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-02-06
Age : 39
Location : St. Louis, Missouri

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Post  Namununa Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:34 am

Hello Nameless!
My name is Namununa! (Na-Moo-Noo-Na)
Welcome!  :D 2q07ihd

As you may or may not already know, I am the 7th and youngest Princess of the Men Aodongban region.
We are known as "The Peacock Princesses".
Welcome!  :D 14eba07

...Just kidding! Laughing
I'm just a PWI Game Toon (aren't we all?) rendeer
I don't really know how to describe myself... Anyway, hope to see you in game!


Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-02-26
Location : The World of Pangu's, Perfect World

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Post  Zigfried Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:28 pm

I am Zigfried and I start playing PWI when it opened. Although I should be very high level but I was not that effective in the game, I was a beginner that do not know much about PWI system. (Wasted some points in MAG)
Well I am always there to assist who needs help as much as I can.
Do not be shy, I will try my best to assist you.

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Join date : 2010-04-12
Age : 36
Location : Saudi Arabia

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Post  Ladyhawk Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:05 pm

Hi everyone I'm Ladyhawk. Name taken from the movie Lady Hawk. I started PW in 2009 and was hooked ever since. I love helping people and finding new friends to play with. Nameless is one of the best factions I have been in since joining PW. Thanks to all for the help especially Jonathanbeas and Rena. You guys rock Very Happy. Still learing the game but if I'm on just PM me for help anytime!


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-06-13
Location : Bahamas

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