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Post  HuliMan Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:29 pm

2.1 Call of Duty (FB)

The Call to Duty quests (often referred to in game as FBs) are cultivation-related quests that each player receives every 10th or so level starting at level 19. Currently, they consist of FB19, 29, 39, 51, 69, 79, 89, and 99. These quests are extremely difficult for players at the level in which they are given and require help from other players to complete.

Upon accepting the quests, players receive 1 or more tabs (depending on the number of bosses) that can be used to give other squad members a quest to kill the boss in the FB for experience. Many FBs also have side quests which require a player to kill certain mobs.

Nameless encourages all guild members to help other members with FBs, provided they are a high enough level to do so. Please note that unless otherwise specified, all drops belong to the person tabbing (i.e., the person with the call to duty quest). Many times, tabbers just want 3 star items and molds, but they also have the right to all the drops from the boss if they would like them. Guild members who knowingly steal drops from FBs and refuse to give them back to the tabber will be kicked from the faction.

Starting with fb59, nearly all FBs are wined. That is, special wine can be bought to clear most of the mobs out of an FB leaving just the bosses. This is done because the mobs are no longer needed for quests and to save time. Unless otherwise specified, the tabber is responsible for making or buying their own wine. If another player provides the wine for the tabber, then that person typically gets the boss drops.

2.2 Bounty Hunter/Head Hunter (BH)

The Bounty Hunter quest is a daily quest that begins at level 40. It can be taken up to 3 times a day and provides a huge amount of experience. It is currently the best way to level in the game from 40 through approximately your mid-80’s. To get the quest, visit the Head Hunter in the middle of Archosaur.

Depending on your level, you will have to enter an fb instance and kill a boss. Level 40’s get fb29 and must kill Quigzi, while level 50’s get one of the fb39 bosses, etc. Due to the fact that an fb boss must be killed, these dailies require either a squad or high level help. One of the goals of Nameless is to provide help with quests, so we encourage faction members to team up within the guild to complete BH’s. Requesting help with BH’s in guild chat is encouraged, however, spamming guild chat for BH help is not allowed.

In the past, Nameless has had a few members leave the guild because they could not find immediate help with their BH. Please note that while guild members are encouraged to help with BH’s (especially if they have the same quest) helping with BH’s is not a requirement of this guild. All players have their own BHs (many of which can take hours) and it is impossible for guild officers to provide BH help to every single person. If you cannot find in guild help with BHs, then players should search for a squad by the Head Hunter in arch.

2.3 Twilight Temple (TT)

Twilight Temple is a group of instances starting at level 60 which provide rare and expensive drops for players in order to make high level TT armors and weapons. While there are a number of different levels of TT (as well as squad vs solo), basically unless you are a veno with a herc, you will need a squad to do a TT run.

All TT runs (with 1 minor exception) require the use of 1 or more ultimate substances. Usually a player will volunteer to “sub” a run, or provide the ultimate substances needed to open the doors to the TT instance.

What is the benefit of “subbing” a TT run? Usually one player is elected to bank a run, that is, to collect all the drops from bosses until the run is completed. At the end of the run, mats are distributed to players one at a time until all mats are gone. Typically the order of the distribution goes subber -> tank -> clerics -> damage dealers by level (although this can change if it is agreed upon by the squad at the beginning of a run). So, subbers almost always get first choice of mats.

One of the goals of Nameless is to provide players help running TTs. While doing a TT, please to not go afk for long periods of time as this puts the party at an incovienience and can result in a party wipe. And under no circumstances should mats be stolen or not given to a player who is banking. Players who attempt to steal mats during TT runs will be kicked from the faction.

Posts : 39
Join date : 2010-01-29
Age : 45
Location : Maine

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